Kesemua TAJUK dan juga ISI didalam blog ini adalah diambil daripada SUMBER yang telah Pure Pearl sertakan disetiap post. Manakala sebahagian daripada GAMBAR yang berada disetiap post diambil daripada sumber tersebut dan juga daripada sumber internet (hanya sekadar hiasan).- Harap maklum.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

H1N1 merebak ke burung pula

SANTIAGO 22 Ogos - Chile semalam menyatakan ujian menunjukkan selesema babi (H1N1) kini menjangkiti burung sekali gus membuka bab baru dalam epidemik global.

Pakar mengenai wabak selesema dan kesihatan haiwan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) di Rom dan Pusat Kawalan dan Pencegahan Penyakit Amerika Syarikat (AS) di Atlanta sedang memantau situasi tersebut.

Bagaimanapun, mereka menjelaskan bahawa ayam belanda yang dijangkiti hanya mengalami selesema ringan, seterusnya mengurangkan kebimbangan mengenai perkembangan buruk mengenainya.

Pemilik ladang ternakan ayam belanda Chile Sopraval SA berkata, daging ayam belanda negara ini masih selamat dimakan dan setakat ini belum ada tanda-tanda mutasi berbahaya kerana tidak ada seekor pun ternakannya mati akibat selesema babi.

Influanza selsema babi (H1N1)

Kementerian Kesihatan Chile semalam telah mengarahkan dua ladang ayam belanda di luar bandar pelabuhan Valparasiso dikuarantin selepas ujian genetik mengesahkan ternakan yang sakit dijangkiti virus sama yang telah mencetuskan pandemik kepada manusia.

Pemilik ladang ternakan berkata, ayam belanda yang dijangkiti telah dipindahkan ke bangunan kosong untuk mengelakkan penyebaran kepada unggas liar.

Setakat ini, virus yang merupakan campuran genetik manusia, babi dan unggas itu terbukti sangat mudah berjangkit namun tidak meragut banyak nyawa seperti selesema bermusim.

Bagaimanapun pakar virus bimbang jenis selesema baru mungkin muncul sekiranya ia bergabung dengan selesema burung (H5N1) yang lebih berbahaya namun sukar berjangkit.

Katakan tidak pada virus H1N1

Sopraval melaporkan keadaan yang berlaku kepada Kementerian Pertanian selepas penghasilan telur berkurangan bulan ini dan selepas ujian awal ke atas empat sampel mengesahkan jenis kecil A/H1N1 2009.

"Apa yang menjangkiti ayam belanda itu adalah virus selesema manusia, tiada mutasi berlaku," kata Timbalan Menteri Kesihatan, Jeannette Vega kepada Radio Cooperativa semalam.

Hal tersebut juga telah dilaporkan kepada Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia. Sementara itu, Pertubuhan Makanan dan Pertanian (FAO) pula sedang bekerjasama dengan saintis Chile. - AP

Sumber : Utusan Malaysia

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

'Mini-Laptop' From Nokia To Compete with Netbooks

By Jennifer LeClaire, newsfactor.com - Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:16PM EDT

Nokia is getting into the netbook game. The mobile-phone maker announced Monday the Nokia Booklet 3G, a Windows-based netbook with an Intel Atom processor that is set to compete in a crowded, but growing, market.

As Nokia sees it, more people want the computing power of a PC with the full benefits of mobility. Kai Oistamo, Nokia's executive vice president for devices, said the Booklet 3G is a natural evolution for a company in the business of connecting people.

"Nokia has a long and rich heritage in mobility and with the outstanding battery life, premium design, and all-day, always-on connectivity, we will create something quite compelling," Oistamo said. "In doing so we will make the personal computer more social, more helpful, and more personal."

Connecting Nokia Products

The Booklet 3G uses Intel's Atom processor and offers up to 12 hours of battery life. Nokia promises its latest innovation will deliver the experience of a full-function PC in an ultraportable box with a 10-inch glass high-definition-ready display.

Nokia isn't calling the Booklet 3G a netbook. The company has labeled it a mini-laptop. It weighs 1.25 kilograms, is about two centimeters thin, and has a variety of connectivity options. Users can choose to connect via 3G/HSPA or Wi-Fi to get high-speed Internet access.

The mini-laptop is also equipped with an HDMI port for HD video out, a front-facing camera for video calling, integrated Bluetooth, and a SD card reader. The Booklet 3G even comes with integrated A-GPS which, working with the Ovi Maps gadget, can pinpoint a user's position and create a personal map.

The Booklet 3G aims to bring Ovi experiences to life, whether it's access to song tracks through the Nokia Music Store or using Ovi Suite to sync from a Nokia smartphone to the mini-laptop to the cloud. Ovi is Nokia's suite of Internet services, which includes games, maps, media, messaging and music.

Will Carriers Pick Up the Booklet 3G?

Although the Booklet 3G appears to be an attractive device, Nokia is late to the netbook market, according to Michael Gartenberg, a vice president at Interpret. Nokia is going head-to-head with PC vendors who know the space well.

"While consumers are used to buying Nokia phones, will they be interested in buying computers from them?" Gartenberg pondered. "Certainly, Nokia's tablets haven't fared well in the marketplace. But a lot of Nokia's success here is going to depend upon what it can leverage in terms of distribution, branding and marketing."

If the Booklet 3G is an expensive unlocked device that's only sold in Nokia stores, it's going to get a different reception than if it's carrier-subsidized, Gartenberg said. Carriers seem to be somewhat interested in picking up netbooks, he continued, so Nokia may do well if the carriers are willing to sell the device.

Nokia said it will offer detailed specifications, market availability, and pricing at Nokia World on Sept. 2.

Source : Yahoo Tech News

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kelebihan buah kurma

Oleh Rohaniza Idris

Ia baik untuk diet, malah kandungan zatnya dapat membantu dalam perubatan

RAMADAN datang lagi. Buah kurma atau tamar pastinya menjadi pilihan umat Islam di seluruh dunia sebagai juadah untuk berbuka puasa.

Populariti kurma mengatasi hidangan lain ketika berbuka puasa dan buah ini menjadi makanan utama Nabi Muhammad SAW yang diteladani umat Islam zaman berzaman.

Umat Islam dianjurkan berbuka puasa dengan buah kurma sebaik terbenamnya matahari kerana ia perkara yang disunatkan.

Selain bulan puasa, biasanya masyarakat Melayu Islam sering dihadiahkan kurma oleh jemaah yang baru pulang dari mengerjakan ibadat haji di Makkah.

Menjadi makanan wajib di Asia Barat, kurma menurut ensiklopedia Wikipedia dipercayai berasal di sekitar Teluk Parsi dan ditanam sejak zaman kuno dari Mesopotamia hingga prasejarah Mesir, kira-kira 4,000 tahun Sebelum Masihi. Bukti arkeologi pula menunjukkan kurma mungkin berasal dari timur Arab dalam 6,000 tahun Sebelum Masihi.

Buah ini kemudian dibawa pedagang Arab ke Asia Selatan, Asia Tenggara, utara Afrika dan Sepanyol yang mana orang Sepanyol memperkenalkan buah ini ke Mexico dan California pada 1765.

Tarikh sebenar kurma dibawa ke Malaysia tidak diketahui tetapi ia dipercayai diperkenalkan pedagang Arab yang datang berniaga dan berdakwah ketika zaman kerajaan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka.

Pengusaha kurma terkemuka di negara ini, Datuk Yusuf Taiyoob, berkata setiap tahun permintaan terhadap kurma meningkat dan biasanya syarikatnya membawa masuk kira-kira 3,000 hingga 4,000 tan dari beberapa negara seperti Iran, Iraq, Mesir, Tunisia, Emiriah Arab Bersatu (UAE) dan Afrika Selatan.

Beliau yang juga pemilik dan Pengarah Urusan Yusuf Taiyoob Sdn Bhd, berkata biasanya stok dibawa masuk dua bulan sebelum Ramadan bagi memudahkan urusan pemasaran dan pengagihan kepada pemborong dan wakil jualan di seluruh negara.

“Syarikat kami bukan hanya membawa masuk kurma untuk pasaran tempatan, tetapi juga menjadi pembekal utama untuk pasaran di Singapura, Thailand, Indonesia dan Brunei.

Tahun ini, gudang kami yang lebih besar baru dibuka, jadi jumlah stok lebih banyak berbanding pada tahun sebelumnya,” katanya.

Beliau menjelaskan harga kurma bagi sambutan Ramadan kali ini meningkat sedikit, namun beliau masih mengekalkan harga untuk pasaran tempatan dengan kadar lama.

“Ada beberapa negara pembekal kurma menjual lebih mahal dari tahun lalu tetapi untuk pasaran Malaysia kita masih mengekalkan harganya.

Namun, beberapa bekalan kurma segar yang banyak dijual seperti tahun lalu tidak dapat dipasarkan tahun ini kerana bekalan berkurangan.

“Musim menuai kurma biasanya pada September dan Oktober. Jadi, tahun ini kita kurangkan membawa masuk kurma segar kerana kos membawanya menggunakan kargo udara mahal. Kita jangka stok baru yang lebih segar akan sampai awal September nanti,” katanya yang menguasai 50 peratus pasaran kurma di negara ini.

Penolong Pengarah, Bahagian Zat Makanan, Bahagian Pembangunan Kesihatan Keluarga, Kementerian Kesihatan, Surainee Wahab, berkata kurma atau nama botani Phoenix dactylifera mengandungi zat besi, kalsium, fosforus, sodium, potasium, kalsium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, beta karotena serta niasin.

“Buah kurma amat sesuai untuk dijadikan hidangan berbuka puasa kerana kandungan tenaganya yang tinggi dapat mengembalikan paras gula yang rendah dalam darah kepada paras yang normal.

“Amalan berbuka puasa yang baik ialah dengan mengambil tiga biji kurma yang kaya dengan tenaga, serat, vitamin dan mineral.

Kemudian diikuti dengan setengah cawan jus buah-buahan. Selepas itu bolehlah mengambil satu mangkuk kecil sup sayur berserta dengan satu atau dua keping roti.

“Bagi mereka yang menghidapi kencing manis, buah kurma boleh diambil sebagai makanan pertama untuk berbuka puasa. Namun begitu, mereka perlu mengawal pengambilannya. Mereka boleh mengambil tiga biji kurma tetapi perlu mengehadkan pengambilan makanan serta minuman manis yang lain,” katanya.

Kurma baik untuk diet pemakanan, malah, kandungan zatnya dapat membantu dalam perubatan (mempunyai tenaga pembersihan) dan estringen pada masalah usus yang dapat mengatasi masalah sembelit dan gangguan usus kronik.

Ia juga dapat digunakan dalam masalah sakit kerongkong, selesema dan demam, juga dikatakan penawar mujarab dalam perubatan tradisional untuk mengatasi masalah insomnia, selain mempunyai pelbagai khasiat lain.

Oleh kerana kurma kaya dengan unsur zat besi dan kalsium, ia sesuai untuk wanita sama ada ketika hamil atau selepas bersalin. Jus kurma dapat mengurangkan tumpah darah, menguatkan rahim serta berkesan meredakan tekanan darah tinggi.

Kandungan zat besi yang terkandung pada buah berkenaan juga menyebabkan wanita berpantang sesuai mengambilnya sebagai hidangan tanpa keraguan. Bagi ibu yang mempunyai masalah kekurangan susu, ia dapat diatasi dengan memakan buah kurma sekali gus menggalakkan pertambahan kandungan susu.

Kurma juga membantu melancarkan perjalanan darah, menghindari barah, merawat buah pinggang, mencuci hati dan membantu mengurangkan pengaliran darah ketika kelahiran. Berperanan dalam pertumbuhan kanak-kanak, pembentukan darah dan sum-sum tulang.

Antara kajian lain dijalankan membuktikan kurma antara makanan paling pantas diproses sebagai bekalan tenaga, selain berkhasiat membantu memanaskan badan, mencergaskan otak dan tubuh badan, mencergaskan minda kanak-kanak. Justeru, ia sangat sesuai untuk perut kosong, memberikan tenaga dan menyegarkan kisaran penghadaman.

Dilaporkan 100 gram kurma segar mengandungi sumber vitamin C yang diperlukan badan dan membekalkan 230 kalori untuk tenaga (960 kJ). Oleh kerana kurma mengandungi sedikit air, ia masih pekat walaupun sudah kering.

Bermakna dengan memakan kurma, badan mendapat tenaga mencukupi walaupun hanya dimakan sebiji dan segelas air. Oleh sebab itulah ada individu yang memilih berbuka puasa dengan hanya sebiji kurma dan badan sudah berupaya mendapat tenaga kembali selepas sehari suntuk berpuasa.

Kini, kurma bukan hanya dimakan umat Islam tetapi menjadi pilihan pelbagai masyarakat dunia yang hidangkan dalam pelbagai resipi serta juadah. Dengan ada reka cipta dalam dunia masakan, kurma boleh dinikmati pelbagai cara dan tidak lagi hanya dimakan sebagai buah semata-mata. Pakar masakan mula menjadikan kurma sebagai bahan pilihan dalam resipi yang dicipta.

Selain digabungkan dengan coklat, manisan dan agar-agar, kurma menjadi ramuan dalam kek, biskut dan jem yang menjadi menu tidak kira bagi sarapan, makan tengah hari, minum petang dan makan malam. Peniaga juga memberi wajah baru kepada kurma dengan membuang biji dan digantikan dengan badam, dipakej dengan cara yang menarik dan kemas.

Malah, kini kurma menjadi bahan utama dalam hamper yang dihadiahkan kepada kawan-kawan, kenalan, saudara mara serta rakan niaga terutama menjelang Ramadan.

Sumber : Berita Harian

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Why Do Shells Sound Like the Ocean?

by Matt Soniak

Kevin in Bentonville, Arkansas, wrote in to ask this question: “Why do you hear the ocean when you put a seashell up to your ear?”

All right, first things first: no matter what your mom or dad or grandparents told you, and no matter how much it may sound like the rolling waves, it’s not actually the ocean you’re hearing in a shell.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, what exactly is it that you’re hearing? In a word, noise; the ambient noise that’s being produced all around and inside you, which you normally don’t hear or pay attention to because it’s too quiet.

To amplify this noise so you can hear it clearly, you need a resonator. Want to make one on the cheap? Form an O shape with your mouth and flick your finger against your throat or cheek. You should hear a note. Make a smaller or larger O, or change the shape of your mouth, and you’ll get different notes. Sort of like this. What you’re doing here is letting your mouth fulfill its potential as a Helmholtz resonator, where sound is produced by air vibrating in a cavity with one opening. Different pitches can be coaxed out by changing the shape of the resonating cavity.

The seashell you’re listening to—the inside of which has many hard, curved surfaces great for reflecting sound—is essentially doing the same thing you just did with your mouth. The ambient noise mentioned before—the air moving past and within the shell, the blood flowing through your head, the conversation going on in the next room—is resonating inside the cavity of the shell, being amplified and becoming clear enough for us to notice. Just like the various shapes we make with our mouths will produce different pitches, different sizes and shapes of shell sound different because different resonant chambers will amplify different frequencies.

The fact that all shells sound just a little bit like the ocean is purely coincidental. Holding any sort of Helmholtz resonator to your ear will produce a similar effect, whether that object is associated with the ocean or not. Put an empty glass over your ear or even cup your hand over it, and the sound you hear will be just about the same.

Source : Mental_Floss Blog

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ketika Bulan Terbelah - Tafsir Surat Al Qomar (54) ayat 1

Ada sebuah ayat di dalam al Qur'an yang menyatakan bahwa bulan [pernah/akan] terbelah ketika jaman telah mendekati kiamat. Sengaja kata pernah dan akan saya beri kurung karena ada beberapa penafsiran tentang ayat ini. Selengkapnya arti ayat tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
Telah dekat datangnya saat itu dan telah terbelah bulan.

Dalam catatan kaki dari terjemahan al Qur'an Departemen Agama RI, ditulis: Yang dimaksud dengan saat di sini ialah terjadinya hari kiamat atau saat kehancuran kaum musyrikin, dan "terbelahnya bulan" ialah suatu mukjizat Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Memang ada hadits yang meriwayatkan peristiwa terbelahnya bulan di masa Nabi ini. Hal ini terjadi ketika kaum musyrikin 'menantang' Nabi untuk menunjukkan bukti kenabiannya dengan meminta membelah bulan. Keshahihan riwayat hadits ini saya tidak terlalu ketahui.

Sejak cukup lama, telah beredar melalui internet sebuah gambar permukaan bulan yang diklaim sebagai bukti pernah terbelahnya bulan sekaligus bukti 'kebenaran' ayat di atas. Gambar aslinya dapat dilihat pada situs Badan Antariksa Amerika (NASA).> Lihat

Di sana terlihat sebuah ngarai (semacam kanal kering) besar yang lurus membentang, dan mengesankan sebuah bekas patahan atau belahan yang tersambung kembali. Tetapi, jika kita bersedia membaca lebih jauh keterangan dari NASA mengenai gambar tersebut, orang akan berpikir ulang untuk menyatakan bahwa ngarai tersebut merupakan bekas terbelahnya bulan.

Beberapa fakta tentang bentukan alam di bulan tersebut:

  1. 1. Ilmuwan menyebutnya sebagai RILLE. Meskipun ada banyak spekulasi tentang asal muasal kejadiannya, tetapi pendapat terkuat menyatakan bahwa ia merupakan bekas kanal atau saluran lava yang keluar dari perut bulan di masa lampau. Khusus yang berbentuk lurus, diduga merupakan patahan tanah yang turun di antara 2 sesar (> Lihat) kerak bulan yang sejajar.
  2. 2. RILLE mempunyai berbagai macam bentuk. Lurus dan panjang seperti gambar di atas adalah salah satunya. Sisanya ada yang seperti aliran sungai sebagaimana di bumi (> Lihat). Mereka ditemukan di hampir semua titik di permukaan bulan. (contoh)
  3. 3. RILLE tidaklah sepanjang yang diperkirakan. Meskipun ada yang mencapai ratusan kilometer (sekitar 300 km seperti Rille pada gambar di atas, lihat tampak atas), tetapi tidak ditemukan RILLE yang mengelilingi seluruh permukaan bulan. Kalau bulan pernah terbelah dua dan RILLE tersebut adalah bukti bekas belahannya, tentunya kita bisa harapkan bahwa RILLE tersebut membentuk garis yang mengelilingi bulan.

Jadi, tidak tepat menjadikan gambar di atas sebagai bukti bahwa bulan pernah terbelah.

Bagi kita, yang mengimani Allah, ayat tersebut harus dipercayai. Allah Maha Kuasa untuk membelah bulan. Dan Ia pun kuasa untuk menyatukannya kembali, dengan atau tanpa bekas. Semuanya mudah bagi Allah.

Sumber : Al-Habib Info

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Symbolism and the $1 Bill

by Ethan Trex

Crack open your wallet, pull out everyone’s favorite portrait of George Washington, and be prepared to learn about some odd symbolism that probably seemed perfectly normal in the 18th century. Here are the explanations behind some of the more baffling parts of our nation’s smallest bills.

What’s that weird pyramid drawing on the reverse of the bill?

The two circular drawings on the reverse of the bill are actually parts of the two-sided Great Seal of the United States. Although we don’t see the entire seal outside of our wallets too often, the notion of having a great seal is actually as old as the country itself. The Continental Congress passed a resolution on July 4, 1776, to create a committee to design a great seal for the fledgling nation, and heavy hitters John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson got the first crack at creating the seal.

Congress wasn’t so keen on the design these big names brought back, though, and it took nearly six years and several drafts to finally find a suitable seal. Congress finally approved of a design on June 20, 1782.

What’s the story behind the Great Seal of the United States?

According to the State Department, which has been the official trustee of the seal since 1789, both the obverse (front) and reverse (back) of the seal are rich with symbolism. The obverse picturing the eagle is a bit easier to explain. The bird holds 13 arrows to show the nation’s strength in war, but it also grasps an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 olives that symbolize the importance of peace. (The recurring number 13, which also appears in the stripes on the eagle’s shield and the constellation of stars over its head, is a nod to the original 13 states.) The shield floats unsupported over the eagle as a reminder that Americans should rely on their own virtue and strength.

The symbolism of the pyramid on the seal’s reverse is trickier. The pyramid has 13 steps – the designers apparently never got tired of the 13 motif – and the Roman numeral for 1776 is emblazoned across the bottom. The all-seeing Eye of Providence at the top of the pyramid symbolizes the divine help the early Americans needed in establishing the new country. The pyramid itself symbolizes strength and durability.

The divine overtones don’t stop with the unblinking eye, though. The Latin motto Annuit Ceptis appears over the pyramid; it translates into “He [God] has favored our undertaking.” The scroll underneath the pyramid reads Novus Ordo Seclorum, or “A new order of the ages,” which was meant to signify the dawn of the new American era.

How did the seal end up on our dollar bill?

We can thank former Secretary of State Cordell Hull’s busy schedule for that one. Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace had to wait for a meeting with Hull in 1934 and decided to kill time by thumbing through a State Department pamphlet on the Great Seal. The pamphlet contained an illustration of the reverse side of the seal with the pyramid, and Wallace was quite taken with the drawing. He took the seal to President Franklin Roosevelt and suggested the country mint a coin using the two sides of the seal.

FDR liked the seal, too. (Roosevelt and Wallace were both Masons and loved the all-seeing eye part of the reverse design, which echoed the concept of the Great Architect of the Universe.) He thought the seal should be on the reverse of the dollar bill rather than a coin, but he was worried the mystical imagery would offend Catholics. After Postmaster General James Farley assured FDR he didn’t think his fellow Catholics would have any problem with the design, Roosevelt approved a new dollar bill design that first appeared in 1935.

Did the Founding Fathers swipe any ideas from a magazine?

Possibly. The familiar E Pluribus Unum motto that the eagle holds in its beak underscores the union and togetherness of the 13 colonies. It might also underscore early Americans’ love of periodicals.

According to the State Department, recent historical research has indicated that this Latin motto may have been borrowed from Gentlemen’s Magazine, a London publication that ran from 1732 to 1922.

The magazine was popular in the colonies, and its title page always carried the E Pluribus Unum motto.

Why don’t the dates on the front of the bills change that often?

At the lower right of the portrait on the bill’s obverse you’ll see the word “Series” and a year. You might notice that these don’t change each year the way the numbers on minted coins do. Why not?

According to the Treasury, the series date only changes when there’s a new design for a bill, a new Treasurer of the United States, or a new Secretary of the Treasury. (These are the two officials whose signatures appear on either side of the portrait.) The series year itself changes when the Secretary of the Treasury changes, while a change in the Treasurer of the United States means that the series year remains the same, but a suffix letter gets tacked onto the end of the year.

What are the various other numbers on the obverse of the bill?

The bill’s serial number is the most prominently displayed set of digits on the dollar, but they’re not alone. If you take out a dollar, you’ll notice there are four large numbers in the corners of the bill’s open space. Like the encircled letter to the left of Washington’s portrait, these numbers tell which Federal Reserve Bank issued the note. (Each Fed’s number corresponds the letter of the alphabet assigned to the bank, with A=1, B=2, and so on.)

The tiny letters and numbers that appear on the top left and bottom right of the bill’s obverse indicate the position of the note on the Treasury’s printing plates. If your dollar bill has a tiny “FW” before this code, those letters indicate that it was printed at the Treasury’s facility in Fort Worth, Texas, rather than in Washington, D.C.

Source : Mental_Floss

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jangan abaikan simptom lenguh

MENGANGKAT beban berat jarang dapat dilakukan penghidap sindrom bahu beku.

SELAIN bahu beku, sindrom bahu lenguh merupakan keadaan yang sering dialami oleh semua orang terutama individu yang bekerja di pejabat atau kilang.

"Ramai menganggap bahu lenguh seperti perkara biasa namun apabila ia dibiarkan tanpa sebarang terapi dan rawatan, ia mampu memberi kesan sakit yang membebankan," kata Siti Farah Aini Jamaludin.

Sindrom yang membabitkan tengkuk dan bahu ini mampu merebak ke dada bagi lelaki manakala golongan perempuan akan terasa ngilu di bahagian atas payu dara.

"Berdiri atau menghadap komputer dengan postur yang salah selama beberapa jam akan memberi tekanan kepada otot.

"Sebab itu, berehat selama lima minit pada setiap setengah jam mampu memberikan rehat kepada otot dan sendi.

"Walaupun begitu ramai orang tidak mengetahuinya. Selalunya, pesakit akan memberitahu doktor yang dia sakit tulang belikat atau sakit urat sedangkan ia sebenarnya merujuk pada sindrom bahu lenguh," katanya.

Menurut Siti Farah, lenguh bahu dan tengkuk akan berulang walaupun pesakit menjalani terapi atau pembedahan.

"Dengan lapan hingga 10 sesi rawatan terapi, lenguh tengkuk dan bahu boleh dipulihkan dengan syarat pesakit rajin bersenam dan mengelak daripada menggunakan bahagian tubuh pada postur yang salah," katanya.

Sindrom ini lebih berisiko pada perempuan kerana kebanyakan wanita tidak duduk dengan posisi yang betul.

Selain wanita, golongan yang berisiko diserang sindrom tengkuk dan bahu lenguh adalah mereka yang banyak menggunakan pergerakan tangan seperti atlet dan mereka yang suka tidur mengiring.

Sumber : Kosmo

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hurricane Bill on Atlantic track toward Bermuda

By Jim Loney Jim Loney – 1 hr 2 mins ago

MIAMI (Reuters) – Hurricane Bill, the first hurricane of the 2009 Atlantic season, gained strength quickly as it churned across open ocean on Monday in the direction of Bermuda, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

Two other tropical cyclones, Ana and Claudette, were fading; Ana in the Caribbean Sea just south of Puerto Rico, and Claudette in the southern United States after slogging ashore on the Florida panhandle.

Bill's top winds reached 90 miles per hour (145 kilometers per hour), just below Category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson scale of hurricane intensity, the Miami-based hurricane center said. Forecasters expected it to hit Category 3, with winds of more than 110 mph by late Tuesday or early Wednesday.

Category 3, 4 and 5 storms are considered "major" hurricanes, the most destructive type.

Bill was about 1,080 miles east of the Lesser Antilles at 11 a.m. EDT (1500 GMT) and was charging to the west-northwest at 16 mph, the hurricane center said.

On its most likely track, Bill would move well north of the northernmost Caribbean islands toward the U.S. East Coast, forecasters said. The hurricane center's long-range track showed it southwest of Bermuda by Saturday morning.

Tropical Storm Claudette hit the U.S. Gulf of Mexico coast near Fort Walton Beach in the Florida panhandle early on Monday and quickly weakened to a tropical depression as it moved over southern Alabama.

Florida emergency managers reported sporadic power outages but no widespread damage. They cautioned residents to watch for rising rivers and flooding in low-lying areas.


Claudette, which sprouted with surprising speed on Sunday in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, missed the largest concentration of U.S. oil and gas production platforms, which stretch along the coast from Mobile Bay, Alabama, to Brownsville, Texas.

The Gulf is home to almost half of U.S. refinery capacity, a quarter of oil production and 15 percent of natural gas output.

Tropical Depression Ana doused Puerto Rico with heavy rain on Monday as it charged through the Caribbean Sea to the west-northwest at a brisk 28 mph, the hurricane center said.

It was located about 75 miles south of San Juan Puerto Rico and had top winds of 35 mph, forecasters said.

A tropical storm watch was in effect for Puerto Rico, the U.S. and British Virgin Islands and parts of the Dominican Republic, although forecasters said Ana could degenerate further on Monday.

NHC website: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/

(Additional reporting by Scott DiSavino in New York; editing by Pascal Fletcher and Phil Stewart)

Source : Yahoo News (Reuters)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Telefon bimbit punca pengguna mudah lupa

Melbourne - Satu kajian mendapati pengguna muda telefon bimbit kerap mempunyai ingatan kurang baik, tindak balas yang perlahan terhadap masa dan membuat banyak kesilapan.

Satu kajian di kalangan 300 pelajar berumur 12 hingga 14 tahun dari 20 sekolah swasta dan negeri di Melbourne baru-baru ini menunjukkan kanak-kanak yang banyak menggunakan telefon bimbit kemungkinan mengorbankan ketepatan bagi mencapai kelajuan.

Kajian oleh penyelidik dari Monash University itu menunjukkan kanak-kanak disifatkan sebagai pengguna telefon bimbit yang tinggi kemungkinan besar mempunyai kurang ingatan, bertindak perlahan terhadap sesuatu tanggungjawab dan melakukan lebih banyak kesilapan daripada para pelajar yang kurang menggunakan telefon bimbit.

Sumber : Kosmo

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Are Eggs Healthy for Weight Loss?

By Margaret Furtado, M.S., R.D. - Posted Fri, Jul 17, 2009, 2:26 pm PDT

A new study in the online journal entitled Risk Analysis reports that eating one egg a day accounts for less than 1 percent of the risk of heart disease, the leading killer of American men and women. This, in my opinion, helps deflate the myth that all eggs are always bad for you and can never be included in a heart-healthy meal plan.

The researchers cited lifestyle factors, such as a poor diet, smoking, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle as chief contributors (30 to 40 percent) of someone's heart disease risk, with men having higher risks than women. Risk factors that could be potentially treated, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, accounted for a whopping 60 to 70 percent of the risk. In this light, a single egg doesn't seem so big a threat.

Eggs have gotten a lot of bad press of late. There seems to be a constant drumbeat, perhaps in the media, about eggs being off-limits if you want to keep your heart healthy. (Just today, I was seeing a patient of mine with young children and, coincidentally, one of his daughters asked me, "Are eggs bad for you?")

Instead of worrying about an egg a day, I think we should turn our attention to the potential risks of stress (especially chronic stress), physical inactivity, and poor overall diet choices (like diets high in junk foods and low in fruits and vegetables).

This research, which was (full disclosure) funded by the Egg Nutrition Center, serves to further substantiate the premise that healthy adults really can eat (whole) eggs without upping their heart disease risk significantly. And what's more, the authors noted that their analysis did not adjust for all the health-promoting benefits of eggs, which might decrease some heart disease risk.

What is it about eggs that could actually help your heart?

  • Eggs are high in choline, an organic, water-soluble nutrient that's usually grouped in with the B vitamins. They are also high in betaine, a nutrient related to choline. Together these 2 are associated with lower levels of homocysteine (an amino acid that studies has shown to be related to a higher risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease). It's good to keep homocysteine levels under control because high homocysteine levels usually suggest chronic inflammation, a process that has been linked with heart disease, as well as to Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Treatment of a high homocysteine level usually involves supplementation of the B vitamin folic acid—but don't take more than 1,000 micrograms—1 gram—a day, or it can mask a vitamin B12 deficiency.
  • Eggs are a great source of high-quality (or high biological value, HBV) protein; in fact, they are considered to be the best overall source of protein.
  • Eggs provide 13 essential vitamins/minerals, including riboflavin, an important B vitamin needed to help your body get energy from food. Eggs also contain vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin lacking in the diet of many Americans. People who are overweight and/or have diabetes are at a higher risk for vitamin D deficiency.
  • Eggs also help you feel full, since your body produces a hormone called PYY when you eat high-protein foods. PYY tells your brain you're no longer hungry, so if you're trying to lose some pounds, opting for a high-protein snack like a boiled egg can really help you feel full (and it's only 75 calories). I personally like the organic eggs high in omega 3 fatty acids (the healthy fats), from chickens raised without hormones or chemicals. These eggs are higher in omega 3s because of the healthier feed given to the chickens. The high-omega-3 eggs add another possible benefit to a balanced diet.

However, if, for whatever reason, you want to keep the fat and cholesterol content in your diet low, eat the egg whites and skip the yolk, since all the protein (and virtually none of the fat) is in the whites. There are even cartons of pure egg whites in the grocery store that make it easy. Or you could separate the eggs at home by discarding the yolks, or at least a few of them. This study, however, seems to be suggesting that even the egg yolk isn't anywhere near the health risk people have perceived it to be for all these years. They're also a very affordable source of protein, a big plus in today's economy!

Bottom line: If you really like whole eggs, and your doctor or dietitian thinks they're fine for you, then go ahead and enjoy them, yolks and all!

Source : Yahoo Health

Friday, August 14, 2009

Robot sut bantu pergerakan kaki manusia

TIGA kakitangan Cyberdyne Inc. memakai sut robot HAL melintas jalan raya sebagai promosi kepada sut seberat 10kg di Tokyo, Jepun semalam. - AP

TOKYO 4 Ogos - Pekerja-pekerja sebuah syarikat robotik telah mempamerkan sebuah rekaan sut pemulihan bagi membantu golongan yang mengalami masalah pergerakan anggota badan di jalan-jalan pusat bandar raya ini.

Wakil Cyberdyne, Takatoshi Kuno berkata, sut HAL seberat 10 kilogram iaitu singkatan bagi 'anggota sokongan hibrid' yang dilengkapi dengan pengesan yang mampu membaca isyarat otak menerusi kulit manusia.

"HAL direka bagi membantu golongan yang mengalami masalah lemah otot kaki dan kesukaran bergerak... Kami mahu membuktikan HAL sangat berguna dalam kehidupan harian kita," kata Kuno.

Dipasang pada tali pinggang, HAL mampu mengesan isyarat otak ke pendakap kaki mekanikal yang diikat pada paha dan lutut, yang mana menyediakan bantuan robot kepada golongan lemah anggota badan.

HAL dihasilkan dalam tiga saiz iaitu kecil, sederhana dan besar malah mempunyai satu kaki dengan sewaan bulanan bernilai 150,000 yen (RM5,548) manakala bagi sepasang kaki berharga 220,000 yen (RM8,138) sebulan.

Ia tidak dapat dipastikan tarikh jualan HAL kepada orang ramai atau harga yang ditetapkan bagi setiap unit.

Malah, syarikat robotik itu turut enggan menyatakan jumlah kos bagi setiap pengeluaran HAL.

Cyberdyne berkata, Amerika Syarikat dan sesetengah negara Eropah telah menyatakan minat mereka terhadap produk tersebut, namun pihaknya enggan memberikan maklumat lanjut.

HAL mungkin memberikan faedah meluas kepada golongan kurang upaya dan warga emas.

Jepun kini bergelut dengan sebuah masyarakat yang mengalami masalah penuaan terlalu cepat.

Kira-kira satu per lima daripada 128 juta penduduk adalah berumur 65 tahun atau lebih, dan angka itu dijangka bakal berganda dalam masa 30 tahun akan datang. - AP

Sumber : Utusan Malaysia

Thursday, August 13, 2009

French pool bars Muslim woman for 'burquini' suit

By MARIA DANILOVA, Associated Press Writer Maria Danilova, Associated Press Writer – Wed Aug 12, 7:05 pm ET

PARIS – A Muslim woman garbed in a head-to-toe swimsuit — dubbed a "burquini" — may have opened a new chapter in France's tussle between religious practices and its stern secular code.

Officials insisted Wednesday they banned the woman's use of the Islam-friendly suit at a local pool because of France's pool hygiene standards — not out of hostility to overtly Muslim garb.

Under the policy, swimmers are not allowed in pools with baggy clothing, including surfer-style shorts. Only figure-hugging suits are permitted.

Nonetheless the woman, a 35-year-old convert to Islam identified only as Carole, complained of religious discrimination after trying to go swimming in a "burquini," a full-body swimsuit, in the town of Emerainville, southeast of Paris.

She was quoted as telling the daily Le Parisien newspaper that she had bought the burquini after deciding "it would allow me the pleasure of bathing without showing too much of myself, as Islam recommends."

"For me this is nothing but segregation," she said.

The issue of religious attire is a hot topic in France, where head-to-toe burqas or other full-body coverings worn by some Muslim fundamentalists are in official disfavor.

France is home to western Europe's largest Muslim population, estimated at 5 million, and Islam is the nation's second religion after Roman Catholicism.

A 2004 law banning the wearing of Muslim head scarves at public schools sparked fierce debate. That legislation also banned Jewish skullcaps and large Christian crosses in public classrooms.

French lawmakers recently revived the issue of Muslim dress with a proposal that the burqa and other voluminous Muslim attire be banned.

President Nicolas Sarkozy, a conservative, backs the move, saying such garb makes women prisoners.

The "burquini" covers the arms to the wrists and the legs to the ankle and has a hood to cover neck and hair.

An official in charge of swimming pools for the Emerainville region, Daniel Guillaume, said the refusal to allow the local woman to swim in her "burquini" had nothing to do with religion and everything to do with public health standards.

"These clothes are used in public, so they can contain molecules, viruses, et cetera, which will go in the water and could be transmitted to other bathers," Guillaume said in a telephone interview.

"We reminded this woman that one should not bathe all dressed, just as we would tell someone who is a nudist not to bathe all naked," he said.

Guillaume said France's public health standards require all pool-goers to don swimsuits for women and tight, swimming briefs for men — and caps to cover their hair. Bathers also must shower before entering the water.

Guillaume said Carole had tried to file a complaint at a local police station, but her request was turned down as groundless.

Carole told the daily Le Parisien she would protest with the help of anti-discrimination groups.

Emerainville Mayor Alan Kelyor said he could not understand why the woman would want to swim in head-to-toe clothes.

"We are going back in civilization," he said by telephone. Women have fought for decades for equal rights with men, he said. "Now we are putting them back in burqas and veils."

The suits have a clear market.

Women "jump on the occasion so they can swim with their families. Otherwise, they end up staying on the beach and watching," said Leila Mouhoubia, who runs an online site from France that specializes in the sale of Islamic swimsuits. Sales, she said, are strong.

"I think it's forbidden (in France) because it presents an image of the Muslim woman (and) they have prejudices against Muslims," she said by telephone. "They want women to be undressed."

Mouloud Aounit, head of the anti-racism group known as MRAP, said the decision to ban Carole from the pool appeared fair, since pool authorities were observing regulations. But Aounit lamented that the incident was likely to fuel religious tensions.

"The rules must be the same for everybody, regardless of the color of their skin or their religion," Aounit said. "The concern I have is that this case will again lead to stigmatization of the Muslim population in France."

The all-body suits, worn regularly by some women in Muslim countries, are growing popular in the West. They can be seen on female Muslim lifeguards on Australian beaches, in the United States and various European countries, from the Netherlands to Sweden — which OKed them after two women won discrimination cases last year.

Source : Yahoo News (Associated Press)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

CAIRO pusat penyelidikan robotik ulung

Robot Monyet

PUSAT Robotik dan Kepintaran Buatan (CAIRO) , Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), ditubuhkan pada 1997 dan merupakan satu daripada pusat kecemerlangan universiti berkenaan

CAIRO telah berperanan sebagai peneraju pusat penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R& D) dalam bidang kepintaran buatan dan robotik dan automasi di negara ini.

Peranannya yang utama ialah memperoleh teknologi canggih dan terlibat dalam penyelidikan dan bekerjasama dengan pihak industri untuk menambah baik produk robot yang dihasilkan.

Malah, CAIRO menetapkan supaya dapat diktiraf sebagai pusat penyelidikan yang diktiraf di peringkat antarabangsa.

Seperti yang tercatat pada laman web pusat tersebut, CAIRO aktif mengadakan kerjasama dengan pelbagai universiti luar negara termasuk dari Jepun, Perancis, United Kingdom dan pelbagai pihak lain melibatkan banyak bidang penyelidikan.

Kemampuannya pula telah terbukti dengan penubuhan syarikat Augmented Innovations Sdn. Bhd (AISB), bertujuan menambah baik dan mengkomersialkan penyelidikan yang dihasilkan pusat tersebut

Sejajar dengan penstrukturan dasar UTM pula, pusat tersebut juga mengembangkan bidang penyelidikannya termasuk dalam kawalan, instrumentasi, dan proses tomografi.

Ini melibatkan bidang ACE (Automasi, Cybernetics, dan sistem kejuruteraan).

Sumber : Utusan Malaysia

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Facebook buys social media aggregator FriendFeed

By RACHEL METZ, AP Technology Writer - Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:37PM EDT

SAN FRANCISCO -Facebook is buying a Web service called FriendFeed that gives users a view of what their friends are doing on all sorts of social media sites, including Facebook's rivals.

In an interview, FriendFeed co-founder Bret Taylor said the two services will eventually merge, though FriendFeed will operate separately for now. He said FriendFeed was drawn to Facebook's much larger base of 250 million users.

"Facebook has a really unique opportunity for our team to reach a significant percentage of the world, and that was an opportunity I think everyone on our team was extremely excited about," he said.

Facebook said all 12 employees of Mountain View, Calif.-based FriendFeed will work for Facebook, whose headquarters is nearby in Palo Alto. FriendFeed's four founders — Taylor, Paul Buchheit, Jim Norris and Sanjeev Singh — will take on senior positions on the engineering and product teams at Facebook.

It's unclear what exactly Facebook plans to do with FriendFeed, which centers around the idea of instantaneously aggregating information from online destinations like short-messaging site Twitter, review site Yelp and photo-sharing site Flickr.

Gartner Inc. analyst Ray Valdes said the FriendFeed acquisition should help Facebook open up its site and boost features that show users more information in real time.

"They needed to do something to meet the Twitter challenge," he said, referring to the messaging site that has shown the type of buzz Facebook once enjoyed.

Chris Cox, Facebook's vice president of products, said the companies had been talking about a combination for some time, as they're both working on solving the same problems: how to help people connect with one another over time, how to make these connections work on various devices and how to filter information through friends.

"I think both companies start with the premise that the most valuable information in the world is the one that comes from the people you care about," he said. "Building technologies that leverage those relationships everywhere you go is where we're both starting from."

Cox would not say if Facebook plans to incorporate FriendFeed's real-time search capability into its site. He said Facebook has already been testing real-time search and that FriendFeed has done a great job with its own search.

Financial terms were not disclosed.

Source : Yahoo Tech (Associated Press)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Mesin terjemah salakan anjing


SEKUMPULAN pencipta Jepun telah berjaya mencipta alat yang didakwanya boleh mengesan emosi anjing daripada salakannya.

Alat yang dinamakan Bowlingual Voice oleh pembuat mainan Takara Tomy merupakan gajet bercakap yang menganalisis akustik salakan anjing dan menterjemah penemuannya kepada bahasa manusia.

Gajet berkenaan memberikan penumpuan kepada mengesan enam emosi termasuk kesedihan, kegembiraan dan kekecewaan bersama-sama dengan merakamkan patah perkataan seperti 'jom main bersama-sama'.

Bowlingual Voice akan berada di pasaran pada harga £129 (RM755) di Jepun bulan depan dan ia lebih berteknologi tinggi berbanding dengan model asal yang dilancarkan tujuh tahun lalu.

Gajet yang dijual hanya di Jepun terdiri daripada mikrofon yang diletakkan di leher anjing bersama-sama dengan satu gajet untuk operasi pada pemiliknya.

Apabila anjing menyalak, mikrofon merekodkan bunyi dan menghantar data kepada pemilik anjing menerusi gajet yang dipegang yang akan menterjemahnya kepada patah-patah perkataan yang cuba dizahirkan oleh haiwan berkenaan.

Bowlingual tulen bukan alat percakapan tetapi menterjemah emosi ke skrin telah dibeli oleh lebih 300,000 penduduk Jepun sejak mula dilancarkan.

Sumber : Utusan Malaysia

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Malaysia mulls plans to censor Internet porn

By EILEEN NG,Associated Press Writer AP - Saturday, August 8

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Malaysia may set up an Internet filter to censor pornography, a Cabinet minister said Friday, raising concerns among human rights and opposition groups that it may also be used to block dissent.

Information Minister Rais Yatim said he has instructed the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission to look at how this can be done as part of efforts to protect children from sexual predators.

"We will not allow the safety of our children to be compromised. We will find all means to ensure Malaysia is free from the culture of pornography," he told reporters.

The plan goes against a pledge to not censor the Internet made by the government when it launched a high-tech zone modeled on California's Silicon Valley in 1996.

Lim Kit Siang, a leader of the opposition Democratic Action Party and a blogger, said the proposal came as a surprise and that it could be expanded to curtail online dissent.

"Once the government starts on the filtering mechanism, there is no proper check and balance to ensure it is confined only to porn, not to dissent. There is a danger of a larger censorship regime," he said.

The Center for Independent Journalism also urged the government to abort the plan, which is widely seen as strengthening the government powers in controlling online content.

Anti-government blogs and news portal have played a key role in eroding support for the ruling coalition, particularly before its worst-ever performance in general elections last year.

Rais, however, said the proposed Internet filter would not be used to censor blogs. Many blogs are known to offer strong anti-government commentaries and present themselves as a substitute for mainstream media, which are largely controlled by political parties.

"There will be no filter for bloggers, but if they breach the law, they will answer for it in court," he said.

The government has previously accused bloggers of spreading lies and undermining public stability, with leaders calling for bloggers to be regulated.

Bloggers don't need official permission to publish. Malaysia has nevertheless briefly imprisoned at least two bloggers under a security law. One of them, Raja Petra Kamaruddin, was convicted of libeling lawmakers and ordered to pay huge damages earlier this year. He faces another charge for sedition but has been in hiding since April to avoid being arrested again.

Rais declined to confirm a report by the Malaysian Insider online news Web site that the information ministry was soliciting bids to help evaluate the feasibility of an Internet filter _ similar to China's aborted "Green Dam" software.

The Web site said a study on the proposed filter would be completed by December and handed to the National Security Council headed by Prime Minister Najib Razak for a final decision.

China recently postponed plans to install Internet-filtering software in personal computers sold in the country amid domestic and international opposition.

Chinese authorities said the software was needed to shield children from violent and obscene material online. But experts who examined it have warned Green Dam also would block material the government deemed politically unacceptable. Top U.S. officials have also said the filter would be a barrier to trade

Source : Yahoo News (Associated Press)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

10 tip tambah duit

MEMBUAT kuih-muih dapat menambah pendapatan.

Kenaikan harga barang keperluan harian dan juga keadaan ekonomi yang kurang memberangsangkan kini memaksa orang ramai berjimat cermat ketika berbelanja.

Ramai berusaha mencari kerja sampingan bagi menampung perbelanjaan yang makin meningkat.

Bagaimanapun, Sahara Noon, Pengurus Pemasaran Avon Malaysia ingin berkongsi sepuluh idea berikut:

1-Menjadi wakil Avon: Dengan modal RM15 sahaja, Avon memberi peluang kepada anda untuk memulakan bisnes dan jadi bos sendiri. Anda boleh kerja dari rumah pada waktu yang fleksibel.

2-Menjadikan hobi anda sebagai kerja sampingan: Ubah suai tanaman bunga atau sayuran anda kepada jenis tanaman yang boleh dijual.

3-Memaksimum bakat menjahit atau membuat kuih: Mulakan bisnes and bertanya kepada saudara-mara dan kawan-kawan jika mereka ingin menempah baju atau membeli kuih dan kek anda.

4-Bakat muzik: Kalau anda pandai bermain peralatan muzik, anda boleh mengajar dengan kadar RM30 sejam.

5-Jika anda minat mengarang: Anda boleh jadi penulis sambilan atau penulis novel.

6-Jualan garaj: Jual barang- barang lama yang tidak digunakan lagi.

7-Tuisyen: Anda boleh memberi kelas tuisyen kepada pelajar sekolah berdekatan rumah anda.

8-Sewa bilik di rumah: Jika anda ada bilik yang tidak digunakan, apa salahnya disewakan?

9-Mendandan: Menawarkan perkhidmatan mendandan pengantin atau mereka gubahan hantaran perkahwinan.

10-Mengasuh: Menjaga anak-anak jiran atau sahabat-sahabat rapat

Sumber : Kosmo

Friday, August 7, 2009

Burn 9 Times More Fat (and Other Secrets)

By Lucy Danziger, SELF Editor-in-Chief - Posted on Mon, Aug 03, 2009, 12:37 pm PDT

I'll admit it: There are times when it feels impossible to get my body or mind pumped up to work out. And though the summer weather means you have more outdoor options--including swimming and biking--there are also more distractions to sap your workout resolve (napping in a hammock, for example). To help rev your engines, try these tips. They'll keep you moving, the calories sizzling and the numbers on the scale inching in the direction you want: down!

Switch up your routine: Changing what you do not only busts motivation-killing monotony, but it also helps you break through any body plateau. Exercisers who alternated moderate- and high-intensity cardio intervals burned nine times more fat than the moderate-only group in a study at Laval University in Quebec. When you're toning, change the number of reps and the amount of weight you use between strength sessions. Doing bicep curls? Try this: One day you do 10 reps with 10-pound weights, and then the next 20 reps with 5-pound weights or whatever weight feels right to you.

Know there IS time: Instead of doubting you can squeeze in a sweat session, simply go for a run or hit the gym. A study from the University of Alberta in Edmonton found it's key for women to just start moving rather than overthink it.

Tune out: Spending more than two hours a day watching TV can increase your risk for obesity by 23 percent, a study from the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston indicates. To keep your risk in check, make sure you exercise 30 minutes for every two hours you watch television. If you can't tear yourself away, tape or TiVo your favorite shows. That way you can fly past the commercials (especially those for food) and get through shows quickly; use the time you save to take a brisk walk around your neighborhood or hop on a stationary bike. Better yet, pop in a workout video (find great ones at Self.com) and make the time you spend in front of the tube really count for something.

Find a friend: Research shows that people with support exercise more regularly. Make a standing date with a pal to help yourself stay on track.

Home is where the heart pumps: People who utilize cardio machines in their abodes were more likely to consistently use them than people without equipment, a study in The Journal of the American Medical Association. No treadmill in your basement? Pop in a workout DVD and get moving.

Keep it up: Going two days without working out is enough to cause the size of fat cells to increase by 25 percent, according to research at the University of Missouri at Columbia. Aim for at least 30 minutes a day (more if you're attempting to drop pounds), and do a mix of cardio and strength exercises.

Give it time: It takes six weeks to see significant results on a weight loss plan, even though your body experiences positive cellular and molecular changes as soon as you begin to eat better and exercise more. You may only see little changes day to day--but stick with it! It IS working! After roughly 42 days, those incremental losses will add up to a big, motivating drop on the scale. In one study of 300 dieters who exercised 30 minutes daily, those who were overweight or obese lost up to 16 pounds by the six-week mark. The lesson: Don't be discouraged if you fail to see results quickly--your body is busy adjusting to your changed habits and will produce positive news soon.

Score more workout advice plus cool ideas for new workouts at Self.com's Fresh Fitness Tips blog.

Source : Yahoo Health

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